The future is rosy for Australia’s Modi™ apple as it prepares for an extended season in 2017

The deliciously crunchy and mouth-wateringly juicy Modì™ Apple is returning to supermarket shelves for an extended season in 2017. The Italian beauty will sweeten Coles supermarket shelves from late February.
Grown in the Goulburn Valley, Victoria, Modì™ Apple is unrivalled when it comes to crunch and sweetness. Steeped in Italian heritage, the luxury brand is a vibrant red apple, encompassing a modern taste, which strikes the perfect balance in flavour, crunchiness and juiciness.
In 2017, Australian Modì™ Apples will be on supermarket shelves earlier than they have been in previous years, which is sweet news for Modì™ Apple fans! Consumers in Victoria and NSW will be able to get their hands on the Italian beauty by the end of February 2017 in Coles stores and via the Melbourne and Sydney wholesale markets.
Matthew Crouch, Group Marketing Manager for Freshmax – the company responsible for Modì™ Apple’s presence in Australia – explains why it takes so long for Modì™ Apple to be available to consumers for the entire apple season.
“As trees mature and more are planted, the amount of fruit being produced increases year on year for some time. Until now the volume of Modi™ available for consumers has not been large enough to range all season, so we had to pick our window carefully,” states Crouch. “Now that volumes are really climbing, we can start to supply right the way through – launching before most premium varieties and ranging for the whole season.”
Originally conceived by Italian apple breeders in Ferrara, Italy, the unusual name comes from Amedeo Modigliani, an artist born in Livorno and affectionately known as Modi to his friends. Modigliani was famous for his portraits of women painted using intense red earth colours, just like those of the Modì™ Apple.
Rocky Varapodio, of Oakmoor Orchards, Ardmona, said: “Modì™ Apple season is my favourite time of year! We work around the clock to ensure we are growing and producing the best possible Modì™ Apples. Consumers just can’t seem to get enough of their unbelievable crunch and sweetness, making them perfect for eating on its own or added to your favourite recipes – their sweetness makes them perfect for desserts.
“Modì™ Apple is now in its third year and it’s great that we can celebrate this by producing a longer season than we’ve had previously.”
Modì™ Apple will be available in Coles stores in Victoria and NSW from the middle of February 2017.
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