Munch’n multi-channel approach delivers results

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With its 2017 season now drawn to a close, Freshmax has stood back to review the impact of its multi-channel promotional campaign for Munch’n Kiwiberry.

And it has delivered incredible results. “The brand continues to receive sensational feedback from the market, and the engagement received by the brand shows that consumers agree” states Tracey Burns, Export Manager.

The 2017 campaign saw strong media campaigning married with a constant social media presence and engagement. Instore saw a large range of highly engaging sampling sessions as well highly unique Point Of Sale and merchandising in place.

In Hong Kong Freshmax ran a social media and trade marketing campaign for six weeks during the season. “Consumers related incredibly well to the fun and playful nature of the brand” states Burns. “We had dozens of parents posting photos of their kids enjoying the product, of it going in to lunch boxes, in breakfast bowls… the engagement was incredible.” The campaign also reached Japanese markets where what started as a small online, print and media campaign ended up with a total reach of more than 800,000 people. “This was our first year of ranging Munch’n in Japan, so it has been great to see such strong product interest as well as online engagement” states Burns. “The decision to deliver local language messaging with some of our marketing paid off well too” continues Burns.

“It is great to see the multi-channel approach spreading to more of our brands” states Matthew Crouch, Group Marketing Manager, “Tracey and the team have done a great job of developing and launching a fun and playful brand into a diverse range of Asian markets”. “I am really excited with the plans already underway for next year’s season and to see how we can continue to innovate with our approach to product promotion and market launch” says Crouch.

And continue they will, with further campaigns already planned for Freshmax’s extensive easy-peel seedless mandarin varieties: Gold Nugget, Tangold™ and Sumo Citrus®. Other campaigns to watch out for include Starletta and Lani, two premium New Zealand cherry brands also headed up by Tracey Burns’ export team.

Increasingly Freshmax is gearing its business strategy toward development of international trade, with a strong focus on Asian markets. The Group has invested heavily in the commercialisation of new and exclusive product IP to underpin high-value growth in its export-focused categories.