Sumo Citrus® – Juiciest season yet

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Larger than life Sumo Citrus® mandarins are gearing up for their juiciest season yet

The wait is almost over – Sumo Citrus™ mandarin season is almost upon us!  The deliciously sweet, giant citrus fruit will be on supermarket shelves from 1st August for a limited time only.

Returning to Woolworths stores for a fourth consecutive year, Sumo Citrus™ mandarins will, for the first time ever, be available nationwide this year – sweet news for all the citrus lovers out there!  They will also be available on the Woolworths online store.

The Australian grown Sumo Citrus™ mandarin is best known for its exceptionally sweet and juicy flesh and extremely convenient seedless nature.  Living up to its ‘enormously good to eat’ persona, Sumo Citrus™ mandarins are naturally large in size and packed full of vitamin C, making them a healthy snack option and a hit with the kids!

Their bumpy, brightly coloured orange skin and trendy ‘top-knot’ make Sumo Citrus™ mandarins stand out from the citrus-fruit crowd!

Expected volumes this year take Sumo Citrus™ mandarins to more than 50,000 trays – a direct result of trees maturing and more of the many licensed Sumo Citrus™ growers now starting to produce significant volumes.

Justin Kusselke of Cross Farms Curlwaa, NSW, said: “For the first time ever in Australia, Sumo Citrus™ mandarins will be available nationwide – this is fantastic news, not just for consumers but for growers too.

“Each year we learn more and more about the growing habits and challenges of the variety – when is best to pick the fruit, how best to cure the fruit after harvest, what temperature variance is acceptable in transport.  We hand pick each and every Sumo Citrus™ Mandarin – although they look big and tough, the peel is actually very tender.”

Coming on board this year for the 2016 Sumo Citrus™ mandarin season, is dietitian and nutritionist, Lyndi Cohen.  Lyndi is an advocate for a realistic and balanced approach to healthy eating and explains why citrus is an important – and tasty – addition to the diet.

“The Sumo Citrus™ mandarin is a naturally good-for-you wholefood that is packed with nutrients like fibre, vitamins and minerals.  Loaded with vitamin C, enjoying a Sumo Citrus™ mandarin is a delicious, yet simple way to boost immunity.

“Sumo Citrus™ mandarins are also naturally low in kilojoules (calories) making this seasonal fruit the ideal healthy snack to help manage your weight and combat sugar cravings when they hit.  Reap the benefits of Sumo Citrus™ mandarins by adding this juicy fruit to kids lunch boxes, seasonal salads, fresh smoothies or enjoy by peeling and eating on the go!”

Originating more than 40 years ago, a citrus grower from Japan decided to combine the easy-to-peel nature of the Japanese Satsuma with the juicy, sweet oranges from California.  The result – the biggest mandarin you’ll ever see!

Sumo Citrus™ mandarins will be available nationwide in most Woolworth stores across Australia from 1 August until mid September. They will also be available via Woolworths Online.

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